File field

ResumeSummary of qualifications for this job applicant

The file field is used to store a file. In the Admin UI it renders a file picker component.

In local storage mode, the file will be saved in your repository. In GitHub storage mode, the file will be committed into the repository.

Storage options

You can optionally specify a directory from your project tree to store the file in. This is useful when you want your files in a public or static directory, to adhere to conventions for a specific framework.

There's also an optional publicPath that lets you define how the file path should be retrieved when reading the value of the field.

Example usage

resume: fields.file({
  label: 'Resume',
  description: 'Summary of qualifications for this job applicant',
  // This will output the files in the "public" directory
  directory: 'public/files/resumes',
  publicPath: '/files/resumes/'

Type signature

Find the latest version of this field's type signature at: